Kmart launches “giffing out” themed commercials for Black Friday

Nothing says Black Friday better than Kmart’s new set of GIF themed commercials. Kmart introduces a new term “giffing out” to help put a spin (or a loop) to the resurgence of the animated GIF. We first saw these on Buzzfeed and quickly fell in love with Kmart’s creativity and boldness. Kmart continues to redefine the ad space and use GIF Marketing to separate themselves from the overwhelming fire hose of media during the holidays.

Today we are thankful for creative professionals and companies like Kmart that go that extra mile to keep us entertained and willing to push the envelope. Will “giffing out” be the phrase of year in 2104?  Maybe – who thought the “selfie” would have made it this far.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Black Friday Gets GIFFY!

Now that Black Friday is over and Cyber Monday is just memory, we wanted to show you a few of our favorite Cinegif moments.  Last week, Amazon sent out promotional e-mails containing eye-catching animated GIFs that demonstrate the impact of the GIF format.

We love this fireplace scene!  It is a great example of how much more engaging animated GIF enabled creative is than a boring still image.  Just to prove my point, I saved the GIF as a JPG so you could see the difference.

Which one would you rather have in your next e-mail campaign?  We also discovered some exciting new data that Experian Marketing Services shared in a recent blog post.   They found that “…72% of clients who’ve utilized animated gif’s or cinemagraphs experience higher transaction-to-click rates.”  I think the examples from Amazon clearly demonstrate why that is.

Amazon continued the GIF trend by sending out another e-mail campaign promoting their Cyber Monday deals.  Although the creative was not as elegant as the Black Friday ad, it still accomplished its mission of grabbing my attention.

Learn how to get started using high quality animated GIFs in your next e-mail campaign.  Click here or visit

Happy Holidays from the Cinegif Team!