GIF with a hard “G” by Executive Order – Thanks Obama!

The White House released a recap of President Obama’s week and a portion of it made history.  It wasn’t the D-Day Anniversary or the Berghdahl prisoner swap that made history this week.  No – it was at the pronunciation of the word GIF at his very first Tumblr event on Tuesday.  Check it out below:


Read the Washington Post’s take on this historic moment.  Finally it is settled once and for all that the “best” pronunciation of the word GIF (and the last syllable of our company name) is with a hard “G.”

Take that Steve Wilhite.

Using a FIG in DoubleClick for Publishers

Google’s DoubleClick for Publishers (dfp) is a very powerful tool that lets you manage your native advertising on your website.  Cinegif’s FIG format work great in dfp and adds a premium content option for publishers looking to generate more advertising dollars.

Customers using a FIG to replace boring still image advertising are seeing as much as a 500% increase in CTRs.

Here is a step-by-step process showing how to use a FIG in dfp.  We will use a FIG ad created for Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese as our example.

Step 1 – Create an Ad unit

The first step in dfp is to create an ad unit.  To create an ad unit, log in and click the Inventory tab.

create ad unit

Next, click the + New ad unit button and complete the requested information including the Fixed size.  In the case of our Kraft ad, we are using 300×250 (medium rectangle).  Under Target window select “_blank” so when the ad is clicked it will open the landing page in a new window.  Click Save at the bottom to move on to the next step.

new ad unit

Step 2 – Create an Order

Create an order by clicking on the Orders tab and then clicking the +New order button.

new order

This brings up New order detail page.  Complete the information as requested.  Under New line item it is suggested that you exactly match the name with the name of the ad unit in Step 1 to avoid any confusion as you ad more inventory.  Under Type select the best setting for your business and your ad.  Set the Start and End time as well as other settings specific to this ad and advertiser.  For the Kraft ad we chose Network for Type and set the Start time for Immediate with an Unlimited End time.  We left the Adjust delivery items to their default settings.

new order page

There are a few more items still needed  to finish creating an Order.  Select the Ad unit that you created in Step 1.  For our example we select the Kraft_300x250_FIG and click “include.”  This ads the Kraft Ad unit to our Order.  You can have multiple Ad units (of the same size) here if you would like them to rotate per your instructions.  Once you are done, click Save and Upload creatives.  This will lead you to the next to last step in the process.

order save and

Step 3 – Upload Creative

Now you are ready to Upload the creative for your ad.  Under the options, you want to select Third party.

add creative 3rd party

Next your ready to insert your FIG embed code (tags) from your Cinegif Gallery into the Third party creative Code snippet on dfp.  Simply copy from Cinegif and paste into dfp.

Cinegif embed

Manually insert any macros at the end of the FIG tag by clicking on the corresponding arrow.  We recommend using at least the Cachebuster macro.  The other macros are not necessary because the FIG will be providing detailed analytics for views, click  and hovers.  In the Kraft example we insert the Cachebuster macro at the end of the Cinegif FIG tag.  Click Save and you are ready to Approve and Preview your ad.

add embed code to dfp

The next screen will ask you to approve the Order and Preview it.  Click Preview: New window to see your ad to make sure all looks good.  Once you are happy with your ad, click Approve and you are ready to generate the dfp tags to insert into your web page.


 Step 4 – Generate Tags

To generate the dfp tags, click on the Inventory tab and select the Ad unit that you need.  In our case we click on the Kraft_300x250_FIG.

inventory select for tags

That brings up the Ad unit detail and the Generate tags button.  Click on the Generate tags button and the tags screen will appear.

generate tags 1

Copy and paste the Header tags into your website page header and the Document body tags where you want your ad to be placed on your website page.  It is recommended to select only Enable single request to minimize the load time. generate tags 2

You can now see you as ad live on your website!

This is just one of the many ways to use Cinegif to market and promote your business.  Learn more at or call us at +1.512.831.3645.